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Smurf Village (and the Little People)

Posted: August 16th, 2008
by Echonite
Waalx has asked me to make a smurf village. So, this thread is going to be for keeping track of progress and feedback.

So the first order of business, location. Where would a good place for it be? I was thinking since there are 3 color mushroom houses (yellow, blue, and red) that I would make 3 different ones for different regions of the world. Perhaps the yellow houses in the region around Anvil. Blue could be up in the mountains or down in the swamps. And red perhaps somewhere in the great forest.

So, my fellow WAC testers. If in your travels you find a place that might be fitting for a village, please not the cell and let me know.

Screenshots/videos of progress will be posted here once a location is established and construction is under way.


Side note: Do I need to put in the little smurfies?

Posted: August 16th, 2008
by Waalx
Wouldn't it be better if the location (s) are secrets?

if you walk around, you'll see that the landscapes (on the borders) are all somewhat fitting for Smurfs.

in the Master file, you can find WACLLSmurfs for the regular smurf spawns, place as many list as you need. And you drop a Great Smurf in the middle of them (Papa Smurf). There are also Wanderers Smurfs that have AI to wander around a bit more, and should be dropped in the outskirt of the village, around in the wood.

Smurfs creatures are in the Ogre creature category.

Posted: August 16th, 2008
by Echonite
Ya, they should be secret, but this is the alpha. Can anyone view this section of the forum? If you want me to keep it utterly secret then I will do so =P

Posted: August 16th, 2008
by Waalx
Do as thou must!

that's all I have to say :P

yeah this forums part is closed to outsiders, (for now).

ok a bit more... but just because it's you.

I was just saying. But from my point of view..

If I had released WAC in the first month of it, nobody would discover much of it at all, they would have had it little by little, and know everything about it. Now no one know. It's all new for everybody but me. And with the mod having grown so huge in those months, I think it's a lot more interesting this way for a new eye, because you get to see new stuff at a lot of places, all at once. This make for a real discovery.. well that's what I imagine it must fact I'm the one who can't say! damn! :)

consider that or not, it's yer choice.

Posted: August 16th, 2008
by Echonite
Ok, since the forum section is closed to the outside, My reason for posting this was because this is the alpha, by the time its released to the public, everyone here will know most everything about the mod, so im keeping this whithin the group. come release time, this thread can be whiped clean so the locations are unknown. I understand your reasoning and such, and I wouldnt want to do something outside of your wishes.

If necessary, I can keep the locations totally secret but still show progress. I would still like to have some outside input on things. Perhaps keep that between me and you?

Posted: August 16th, 2008
by Waalx
what about we do it like this?

I don't like being spoon fed. I don't even want to know, there should be at least a couple of things to surprise me in all this!

and as for the rest..

My point of view still is about creativity. If you ask too much around you'll loose yourself a bit, if you work and surprise everyone around, it's always better.

Look at Phitt and his Sheogorad Island, and Straton's The Deep, for example. Both have gone around 5-6 months before showing any work. When they do it's a surprise party. I wish I could have done this with WAC too in a way. That's how I introduced the first 50 blades that became RealSwords. I had worked for a month before showing it.

I'm not saying you hide that for a month though. I'm just saying that if you make something, then upload it and let us find our way to the smurfs. And ah... you know you have an NPC named Gargamel in the Master waiting to be used..?

and if you do 3 villages... I'm not going to have only one smurf race... there should be more.

And that leads to another idea I was coveting. Making a bunch of small folks. An entirely new model based on one of the available skeleton. I always liked those small people, and one of my own comic book characters I've wanted to do since years, is one.

that would need more work than the smurfs, but I'm willing to try something out. With all the stuff in vanilla (clothes), I can create a funny assortment of little folks with weird heads and hairs and pointed cap, and even based them on something that can have them wield a weapon (tiny swords).

as the idea sink in this is what we ought to do. Beside there is only one smurf village. And they are 101. + the Smurfette (sold separately).

could it be done to create a huge village that can hold 101 creatures?

at any rates..I always complicate things, but the little folks idea I love.

do you want to create one Smurf village, and meanwhile I will create some little people? After you can create small villages with what you want shrinked down at the right size, the little people should be able to go in the house and all. Having only one smurf village will appease the Lore Dementors a bit more than having the chance of seeing three of them, and the little people will be as such that they could be in lore and are inspired by me instead of by a popular comic book.


Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Echonite
I like the idea of the little people. That is something I can work with.

If we go that route, then one smurf village off in some secret place. As I test more, ill scout such a place. But making a village for 101 smurfs... thats a whole heck of a lot.

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Waalx
I know 101 is a bit too much...

I was just supposing.

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Echonite
ok, well i think i got a place for is. If all works out, im sure it will supprise even you. >.<

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Waalx
now that's interesting!

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Waalx
here's the base head shape from which I will create the little people heads.

with a good texture I think it will look cool. (and I have a beard for it).

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Echonite
Very nice. Final version should be interesting once all is said and done.

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Mormacil
Will they get a more interesting hat? Face looks good :)

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Waalx
that's a classic hat for Gnomes and little people, but yeah.

If I can I will make more variety. But...I always do, no? :P

Here's just a shot with the beard and plain color to make him a bit clearer.

Several head shapes can come out of that, young old, female. whatever I need.

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Echonite
Looking good 8-)

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Mormacil
I love some weird leather hats, some weird like stuff from The Edge Chronicles (god I love that art :))

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Waalx
Nice comic! I shall look at that title for my personal pleasure cause indeed the art look great..

But for the little people, I take no outside inspirations. I'll make the stuff I think myself only. hats, earings, beards, hair..they will have some cool choices, don't you worry.

That first hat is just the classic pointy hat. I had to do one.

I'm painting the texture now.. start to look more alive!


Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Mormacil
It looks good, I'm sure you make them into a piece of art :) Btw they're illustrated books, not comics ;)

Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Waalx
nearly done..

this is a render with 3 lights.

the form is comical, but he does have somekind of creepy realism that will fit in Obliovion I think.


Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Mormacil
Yeah he would fit in :)