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Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Waalx
This show the mesh and shaded version in different angles.

he need teeth, and a mouth, after I will try a few headshape to see how far I can go with that texture. I think I'm going to have to make another one for young ones and girls.


Posted: August 17th, 2008
by Echonite
Very well done. Really turning into something cool.

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Krigulv
the lil fella reminds me of Dubby. can i pet it? i'm worried he'll bite me and turn me into a lil person

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Waalx
well..would you still like to pet him? hehe


Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Krigulv
ah, now i won't feel so bad about slaughtering their lil town!

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Echonite
Hehe, very cool... i can see it now, people walking up expecting a warm welcome, but instead they get midgets hitting them in the nuts...

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Krigulv
Echonite wrote:Hehe, very cool... i can see it now, people walking up expecting a warm welcome, but instead they get midgets hitting them in the nuts...
story of my life :(

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by running4cover
8-) lol, as if Smurfs weren't terrifying enough to begin with, now they bite :-P The old smurf pics looked sorta Keebler Elf-ish. Anyways, are the smurfs going to be optional? I mean, I think they look great, but there is a major drop in immersion when Papa Smurf starts attacking your kneecaps. Either way, though, very nice ;-) 8-)

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Echonite
This isnt the smurfs, its mini people, lol... it sorta branched off the origional topic, which is actually dead now, so its now about the mini people.

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Waalx


well unless you are not working on the village!

it's me who invaded the smurf with the Little People.

And as I asked Echonite to keep the village secret for a bit, i guess it's about the little people until she come with some screen or a video of lighting striked little blue thing.

Echo you should place some smurf in the world already and go try to kill some.. tell me about it after:)

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Vacuity
We all want to see a video of that "Smite of Order" spell-thingummy obliterating the smurf village. :D

Umm, we do, don't we? :shock:

Just me?

Uhh, OK, I'll go hide again...


Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Waalx
running4cover wrote:8-) lol, as if Smurfs weren't terrifying enough to begin with, now they bite :-P The old smurf pics looked sorta Keebler Elf-ish. Anyways, are the smurfs going to be optional? I mean, I think they look great, but there is a major drop in immersion when Papa Smurf starts attacking your kneecaps. Either way, though, very nice ;-) 8-)
you know.. that wasn't the intention at all. But it gave me an idea that I did test and finally...

the little people will have to wait.

what I've shown so far, it's indeed looking like a semi-realistic smurf head :) I think they look far better than what I hacked with the Ogre mesh.


To be able to have the largest range of facial expressions, I will need to change the smurf skeleton to something other than the Ogre.
I think I'm going to base them on the goblin frame instead. That way the smurfs can have weapons and bows too. and I get the option of creating 6 heads shapes, whereas if it stay on the Ogre frame I have none.

What say you?

I don't want to get the hopes down for Little People . Lets say the Little People is a project I will put aside for now. ( I do have a lot going already).

And Echo, you'll get blue version of that, and a black smurfs version as well. And a third too if you need, tell me what colors as the original smurf are only blue, and black in one story only. So you choose the third color, and if it does look good, I will do it.

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Mormacil
Militant smurfs ^_^

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Phitt
I'm not sure about this. They still look like smurfs without a doubt, but like nightmare versions of them. If you've ever seen a smurf you will know what you see when you meet them in Oblivion. Trying to make them fit into the Elder Scrolls lore is not a very good idea imo, smurfs are smurfs. I'd say you either transform them into something different (like the little people meshes or by giving your current smurf meshes a completely different hat and color) that can't be recognized as a smurf anymore or you do it as close to the original as possible. If you go the first route it will fit into Oblivion, at least for many people. They'll be a strange, almost unknown race of tiny gnomes (and obviously not called 'smurfs', neither will there be Gargamel or Papa Smurf). If you do the latter it will be a fun mod and resurrect some childhood memories for many people. It won't fit as a 'serious' mod, but most people will want to see them anyway. Including me.

Whatever you do, great work on the meshes/textures.

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Waalx
thats the point of it, that they don't look like children stories characters, but still, will remind you of it.

The smurfs are aggresives in Oblivion, otherwise it's quite boring. You go there, see them walk around, and that's it.

it's when I made them aggressive and I had a flow of little blue things at me that I chose to have them not friendly at all.

I'm not making them fit into ES lore, I'm more giving them an adult theme. It's still close to the original.

Or I can also satisfy both crowd. I make the blue happy ones, with friendly faces. And I make the black ones the nightmarish ones, like pictured up here.

and now that would be interesting.

suppose you have a Papa smurf that as you enter the blue smurf village, come to you and give you a small scripted quest. Like..

-We need you, hero! The black smurf keep eating us! (and then a scripted black appear near the village and attack. and the other blue flee).

- Take theses fives braves smurf with you, and go get 'item' in the black's village. Please don't hurt them as we don't believe in violence...

- With 'item' in our possession, they will not attack anymore.

could be interesting?

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Echonite
My only request is you keep the sounds you have for them... its freakin funny listening to them... lol (feet sounds included)

As for another color... green?

Are they gunna be added to the ESM and you send out the update that way or are they gunna be in a seprit esp? Ive already got some work on the village going, so I would like to know if I need to start over or what.

Also, would a green mushroom house be possable?

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by sageofcyrodiil
Think these smurfs could be magic users? Maybe they have a shaman who created a magical artifact, a magical crystal perhaps, that wards and protects the village from marauding monsters? As in, for instance, if someone with evil intentions comes around looking to do the Smurfs harm, instead of the village they'd only find rolling hills and lush, green fields.

No crystal = no protection.

Crystal returned = Sanctuary.

Awesomeness ensues!

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Waalx
Echonite wrote:My only request is you keep the sounds you have for them... its freakin funny listening to them... lol (feet sounds included)

As for another color... green?

Are they gunna be added to the ESM and you send out the update that way or are they gunna be in a seprit esp? Ive already got some work on the village going, so I would like to know if I need to start over or what.

Also, would a green mushroom house be possable?
ya! the sounds stay, unless somebody have better ones. I like the sound when they die! hehe

When I did the smurf sounds I didn't understand the sound sytem very well. so, I'm probably going to continnu and add a couple more smurfs sound since now I know I can.

what I'm going to do first is make the new model, animate a head, and then we will see. Unfortunately, since I take that head I will have to make bodies to fit with tough, or modify a goblin.

What's cool with goblin instead of Ogre, you can have weapons, and magic too and staff.

Green, lets see..that could look sick!

as for the placement of them, do you used the lists? In that case it's not a problem. I can reference another creature in the list or just change the creature data in this present smurf ID and just redirect to the goblin folder.

Most probably they will move hunched like a goblin at first. I'll try to see if I can make them walk straight later.
sageofcyrodii wrote:lThink these smurfs could be magic users? Maybe they have a shaman who created a magical artifact...
The Great smurf is a sorcerer. All the other have other jobs, and are probably also too young, (just a hundred years for most). Many smurf stories involved magic and potions being made by the Great Smurf, and not to mention Gargamel. Technically, no one can find the village unless a smurf lead you there. Gargamel again tried a lot, saw it a lot, but could find his way back after out of it.

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Waalx

I do not think no one would want the old one over the new

Posted: August 18th, 2008
by Echonite
Looks great!

Yes I am using the leveld lists. The only time I manually place smurfs is if I need a size referance. Its hard working at such a small scale, lol.

What i ment was how will the new smurfs be packaged up? As an edit to the ESM or via ESP?