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Concerning the uh, giant Spiders...

Posted: October 17th, 2009
by Kikayoaka
I know I'm going to sound like a complete and utter pussy here, but I'm going to say it anyways:

Can/will you make a version of this mod without the giant Spiders? I ask this because Spiders literally scare the shit out of me, like, seriously. I was always glad that Bethesda never put them in TES games, and your mod looks really amazing, but I just don't know if I can suck it up and face non-existent Spiders in a video game.

So there you go, my very sissy, girly, everything un-manly you can think of request. I know it's really weak to be scared of Spiders, especially video game ones, but I have arachnophobia up the ass, and am likely to piss myself if I ever ran into one of those while playing.

On another, less wussy note, this mod is really great, I'm a huge fan of your work, Realswords is one my top 10 favorite mods for Oblivion, and I just wanna thank you for taking the time to make not 1, but 3 great mods.

And there's my first post here, hope you enjoyed my girly pleas, cause I sure did.

Posted: October 17th, 2009
by VinlandViking
I also hate spiders, but instead of removing them, just kill the fuck out of them when you see them.

Posted: January 29th, 2010
by philC
I think i know how to fix your problem and you need the construction set. Go into the construction set and click the ESP than click set active file than click ok than find and delete all the spiders. Also shouldn't this be in bugs? :grin: Ha ha ha that was a bad joke. Spiders scare me shitless to. Ha!