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WAC v0.05 "Required Edits"

Posted: September 25th, 2010
by YX33A
It came to my attention that no one has listed the two problems present in v0.05 which need to be removed.
Both are easy to remove with TES4Edit.

One is cell entry that screws up, to my limited understanding, the local map in some way. The problem is in WAC.esp, under worldspace, Tamriel, block 0, 0 subblock 0, 0 cell 3, 3
Any mod editing any worldspace editing cell 3, 3 causes this problem. Purge said cell, and everything is peachy.

The second problem is more and less of a problem. A strange issue which I spent a bit of time tracking down in the main thread, there are certain eyes in the .esm that bash complains about. It's always a missing mesh which it complains about, and it prevents you from rebuilding a bashed patch. Oddly enough, removing the eyes still forces this problem.
The solution is to open WAC - TCOS.esp and remove all race entries(which are unneeded anyway), but mainly the vampirerace one, which is the real problem.

I'm guessing that there are more issues which I have yet to find or have find me, with fixes people know of. I urge anyone who has a common problem and has found a solution to mention it, because when you have to sift through 100+ pages of comments to find a answer to a problem which is otherwise hard to remove can strain people.

Further edits

Posted: October 20th, 2010
by Psymon
I've had continual crashes when attempting to exit to the main menu with WAC.esp loaded.

I open the plugin in tes4edit and ran the check errors function and here is what it game me:

Code: Select all

            NAME - Base -> [0100410F] <Error>
          Above errors were found in :[ACRE:0200C001] (places [0100410F] <Error> in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00023777] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0))
        Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00023777] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0)
      Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:00023777] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0)
    Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C]
  Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
              NAME - Base -> [0100534D] <Error>
            Above errors were found in :[ACRE:02005449] (places [0100534D] <Error> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WACtesting "WAC Dummy cell" [CELL:0100400E])
          Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WACtesting "WAC Dummy cell" [CELL:0100400E]
        Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WACtesting "WAC Dummy cell" [CELL:0100400E]
      Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9
    Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 8
  Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "CELL"
Above errors were found in :[02] WAC.esp
I then tracked those entries down and deleted them.

No longer crashes on exit to main menu. :-)

Playable Races

Posted: October 28th, 2010
by Psymon
As well as the esp the esm also has many playable races which appear to be variants on vanilla races altered for facial hair.

They are many and somewhat annoying when making a new character to flip through.

I tried setting them all to unplayable but the result was that they then had no ability to dialogue in game.

So with BAIN I packaged both esm and then just load the playable races after my character was created.