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Load order question,maybe?

Posted: May 4th, 2008
by Conker343qc
Yup , question for everyone here !

Is it possible that a face generating plugin, like TNR, could actually flush out Realswords's inventories ? Cuz it's changing npcs in some way, so i'm not sure.

Anyone ?

Posted: May 4th, 2008
by Mormacil
I dunno, ask in the BSF thread of TNR, more people there.

Posted: May 4th, 2008
by Waalx
it's quite possible.

Any mod that also change the NPC will conflict with RealSwords. Unless you merge your plug-ins together.

Remember the last plug-in to load will always have precedence over the previous.

so if you want RS weapons placement OVER what TNR change, load RS last, or after TNR.

Posted: May 5th, 2008
by Conker343qc
Would it be a good idea to merge all mods with a bashed patch , or just the one i think that are erasing each other ?