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Wacky Christmas & Happy New WAC!

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by Waalx


It's been a long time, huh :P

I was preparing something since a good while as you may know, and even if not finished to my taste, I'm giving you the next WAC today.

I'm not going to write a lot, because this release is somehow pre-mature (at least in my point of view). However it's going to be a lot better than what you have in hand now I'm sure...

I know a couple of people have tried to join me with requests lately, and I didn't answer their pleas (usually I do!). Don't fret though, as I had a reason not to answer you guys, but I will soon. Suffice to say that I'm not keen to have people use the old WAC material anymore, and was waiting for you to be able to use something a bit more fresh...I will explain in more details when I get back to you after New Year.

Next January will be another release that should be more complete, but for now, this is the new version WAC.

Cheers, and many thanks to everybody who kept the forum still going while I was 'sleeping' last year! :)

I whish you all a great 2011! And a nice Christmas time before that... :celebrate:

WAC v1 beta

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by washington
Really exciting, and I must admit that I haven't expected anything new on this so it's surely a surprise!
But best of all is to see that you're still alive and kicking!

Thanks for the preview, have nice holidays and I wish that you'll have more time and will to post on the forum also! :D

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by anohosikara

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by Vacuity
Thankyou so much for the Christmas present, and Merry Christmas to you as well!


Posted: December 24th, 2010
by spambrosial
What a lovely surprise, thank you!

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by Mythgaard
Merry Christmas

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by Conker343qc
Hello old friend,

Since my last computer crash.. i was just doomed oblivion-wise.. i lost all my setup (220 very stable mods, plus savegames)

I was about to post here today to you about the fact that i wouldn't come back, even more so with the fact that ESIV ; Skyrim was on it 's way..

But hey, as always you give me a reason to think about coming back. That's your magic touch . I should give a go on your mod alone at least, just because i seriously owe you that. :)

I'll try to give it a go during my vacations, maybe tomorrow or the day after ! :-D-)

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by Quintus Sertorius
Thanks a lot and merry Christmas!11!!


Posted: December 24th, 2010
by StarX
Welcome back, Alex. We all know you've secretly been recruited by Beth for Skyrim! And if not, than that's their loss! :P

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by TineyDem0n
Yaaay! Something to play with! I love your work, and if you say that there is new, better stuff, I think I might just re-enact a bad song from SNL and jizz in my pants! (Figuratively, of course! :D )

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by Johnn_123
Congratz on the new release Waalx! Merry Xmas! :D

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by garx
Thanx mucho, Waalx, and a very merry Xmas to you. :-)

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by chali
Can't wait to try this one out.

Thank you!


Posted: December 24th, 2010
by Psymon
All I can say - awesome - thank you.

Very heartening that this is not abandoned after all.

Posted: December 24th, 2010
by Divine Avenger
Woot this is awesome and happy holidays to you and a big thank you as well, now to get to dl'ing :-D-)

Posted: December 25th, 2010
by ztrathego
Great news, and thanks for this new update!

Upon examining the .bsa file as I always do when downloading something new, I noticed there is a " animals & creatures.addon" folder on top of the usual meshes/sound/textures folders. This looks to me like a remnant from tes4files gone slightly wrong, or is the esm/esp files reading it correctly? It contains meshes for clannfear, dogmount, golbin, imp, wacgargoyle and wacwolves.

Realize you likely won't have time to answer this for some time, but figured I'd report it anyway. Happy holidays!

Edit: Upon closer look, most of the .kf files (there no .nifs in the " animals & creatures.addon" folder inside the bsa, only .kf's) are actually placed in the proper place aswell in the bsa. The dogmount files are only in the .addon folder however, aswell as some other animations (clannfear etc)

Posted: December 25th, 2010
by Psymon
I wonder what the companions esp does? It seems to only contain one companion named stern.

The horses esp certainly is mis-titled and has this in the description field:
This is the master file containing all the data of WAC. Mandatory for any esp that are part of WAC.
Anyway - I'm diving in on this and will try to give helpful feedback.

And the readme shows that Mr. Waalx has been keeping up with a few projects at bethforums. Lurker status

[edit] My main question is whether or not the encounters are still unleveled?

Posted: December 25th, 2010
by Fessels
Ok i downloaded this last night so i could use this in a future game, but just now it hit me that i did not checked out the requirements for this mod. So does this mod require SI and KoTN...please say it does not? I do not have SI and KoTN.

Posted: December 25th, 2010
by washington
I think that it doesn't require SI or KotN, but be sure to have your game patched, otherwise the mod won't start.
And also, I recommend getting both DLCs (I somehow don't like calling SI DLC because it's an expansion), they are quite good. Other DLCs aren't worth mentioning and have better alternatives made by modders for free.

Posted: December 25th, 2010
by Fessels
washington wrote:I think that it doesn't require SI or KotN, but be sure to have your game patched, otherwise the mod won't start.
Great, thank you washington.