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Sideways guards helmets?

Posted: September 4th, 2011
by deathguard08
Guards helmets seem to be worn sideways, effectively removing the head from them..

I've only seen this in Skingrad so far, though I haven't gotten around to exploring much yet.

I can post a screenshot if anyone is unsure of what I mean, in fact, I'll get around to posting one later. Though just about half the guards in Skingrad wear
the helmet I'm walking about so I doubt it would be hard to check yourself.

Anyone have a fix? I didn't see anything about this in the "Fixes for the Current Beta 1" section.




Re: Sideways guards helmets?

Posted: September 5th, 2011
by Maigrets
Are you using an older version Of Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul by chance? That was an early problem with OOO and some helms and was fixed a long time ago, but as far as I'm aware no-one has reported an issue with WAC helms.

Are you also using custom races that alter the conformity of the head (EGM), although I can't see why this should happen.

Re: Sideways guards helmets?

Posted: September 5th, 2011
by deathguard08
No, and no :/.

EDIT: I MIGHT be using a race mod that is modifying the EGM head, but I don't believe so, I'm a little occupied to check tonight though tomorrow I'll check the moment I get a chance.

The only race mods I'm using are Wolven Anthros and Drake's dragon race, though I doubt they do modify the head considering these are the only helmets that I've seen a problem with.

Re: Sideways guards helmets?

Posted: September 6th, 2011
by MasterAub
Your problem is that this helmet is not set up propally in the CS.

Open the CS go and check the helmet it is set to hide only the hair and not the face as well hence what you are experiencing.... typical by the way

Re: Sideways guards helmets?

Posted: October 23rd, 2011
by guntoface
ya i have the same problem with the helm how can you fix it

EIDT: I fixed it :)