The total lock-up that happens in Skyrim has happened 3 times in other programmes - that is what has convinced me, after weeks of reading techno-babble, that there is a "Gremlin" in the memory I was gifted by my cousin. It scans as being fine but it had been used for a year before he up-graded and gave it to me. My lovely local pc shop agree that it might well be the case.
They have a pc in that they are beginning to think is haunted LOL - every single item has been checked and double checked and in theory should run perfectly. The graphics just do not work properly in any programme - there are always 3 navy blue horizontal stripes across every single monitor they have tried it with. Very strange indeed. The graphics card is high end, they have the correct drivers and a rep from the manufacturer is coming over next week to try to work out what is happening
, maybe it's the monitor. It happens. Didn't read it properly. Sounds like Ghost in the Machine.
Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it sayingEnd Of The World Switch PLEASE DO NOT TOUCHthe paint wouldn't even have time to dry. Terry Pratchett
I have the solution:
Go to an Arcade Gallery, play the legendary Tron Game, be teleported in the computer, kill the badass sprites, go back to the real world and then play peacefully Skyrim.
What do you say...well I know I am that close to the edge of Madness
MasterAub wrote:I have the solution:
Go to an Arcade Gallery, play the legendary Tron Game, be teleported in the computer, kill the badass sprites, go back to the real world and then play peacefully Skyrim.
What do you say...well I know I am that close to the edge of Madness
LoL that would be something if that could happen...low succes rate of getting home but still.
Yeah there will always be people who are so * begin sarcasm * brilliant * end sarcasm * that they do not see how stupid they actually are.
Your game may not be rock solid, but it sure does look good. The colours in the last shot are excellent. Nice contrast between the trees and grass and the ground.
The shot standing on the fallen tree over the chasm is really good.
I really like the hat. It reminds me of something, but I can't think what at the moment. From what I can see the hat doesn't disappear your hair...nice.
Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it sayingEnd Of The World Switch PLEASE DO NOT TOUCHthe paint wouldn't even have time to dry. Terry Pratchett
Thank you ^_^ The hat is from the Mad Masker which I really like
I haven't yet added any tree mods, the ini settings are set up to show the grass and foliage to the best (got them from reading so many guides that I went cross-eyed). I deleted all the textures and meshes completely before re-installation These trees are the result
Maigrets wrote:Your game may not be rock solid, but it sure does look good. The colours in the last shot are excellent. Nice contrast between the trees and grass and the ground.
The shot standing on the fallen tree over the chasm is really good.
It looks great indeed, great screenshots Ails.
Maigrets wrote:I really like the hat. It reminds me of something, but I can't think what at the moment. From what I can see the hat doesn't disappear your hair...nice.
Maybe Fallout NV? Or maybe the Avatar used by ThomasKairaa on the Beth Forums?
Yeah there will always be people who are so * begin sarcasm * brilliant * end sarcasm * that they do not see how stupid they actually are.
Work has be crazily busy with the client from hell. She is the fussiest person I have ever met. I advised her that I would telephone her on a specific date to arrange a fitting for her altered dress and new coat. She arrived on my doorstep TWO days before I was due to call her to ask why I hadn't called yet. I was furious though I managed to be polite. Her job has been completed (I could not find another dressmaker who could or would do the job in the timescale) and I have now decided that I will not do anything else for her. Apparently she gets so stressed that she cannot sleep so no one else in her household is allowed to sleep either
Meanwhile I now have an extra hard drive given to my by my brother that is 20 times the size of my C drive that is labelled "storage" and now has all my screenshots and mod data on it and I am now trying to re-stabilise my game again I love my brother and my cousins and the way they keep "improving" my pc but I do wish they would co-ordinate their forays into the innards of my pc
From your post it seems she indeed comes from hell, and hats of to you for still staying polite after she came two days before the deadline like that. I am not so sure if i could stay polite against a person like her. Also sorry to hear you have to stabilize your game again, hopefully it will be soon.
Yeah there will always be people who are so * begin sarcasm * brilliant * end sarcasm * that they do not see how stupid they actually are.
Ailsa wrote:Work has be crazily busy with the client from hell. She is the fussiest person I have ever met. I advised her that I would telephone her on a specific date to arrange a fitting for her altered dress and new coat. She arrived on my doorstep TWO days before I was due to call her to ask why I hadn't called yet. I was furious though I managed to be polite. Her job has been completed (I could not find another dressmaker who could or would do the job in the timescale) and I have now decided that I will not do anything else for her. Apparently she gets so stressed that she cannot sleep so no one else in her household is allowed to sleep either
Well, one way of looking at it is that you win and are the better person by being polite and keeping your cool, even though it must have been hard. She just made a fool of herself and didn't manage to dominate you like she probably does others in her life.
Meanwhile I now have an extra hard drive given to my by my brother that is 20 times the size of my C drive that is labelled "storage" and now has all my screenshots and mod data on it and I am now trying to re-stabilise my game again I love my brother and my cousins and the way they keep "improving" my pc but I do wish they would co-ordinate their forays into the innards of my pc
I hope you get to set up your game and play soon. You could take your frustrations out from your client with on some poor unsuspecting enemies.
Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it sayingEnd Of The World Switch PLEASE DO NOT TOUCHthe paint wouldn't even have time to dry. Terry Pratchett
Meanwhile on the home front a male kitten called Giddycat, or Gideon for short, and now aged 11 weeks has moved in. Barnum, my rather large dog is being so very patient with him
Ahww those picture of Gideon made me smile again today. ( About an hour ago i saw a sickening video on Facebook, the first part was great to see but not the last part. )
Gideon looks really beautiful, is he a British short hair?
Yeah there will always be people who are so * begin sarcasm * brilliant * end sarcasm * that they do not see how stupid they actually are.
I don't know what type he is actually. His mother was rescued from being pelted with stones when she was a little over a week pregnant, and Giddy was one of the 4 kittens she had She look like a tabby crossed with a grey cat, and the kittens are all grey with tabby like markings ^_^
Fessels wrote:Pelted with sto...jezus christ, good thing she was rescued.
So Gideon can go several ways then, well in the end it does not matter because he looks beautiful.
Cruelty towards helpless creatures, and each other for that matter, is something I don't understand and never will. I hardly ever watch or listen to the news these days as there's always something terrible happening, which I know is how it's always been, but it preys on my mind too much.
Gideon is so cute and I love how Barnum is so good with him.
it's nice to see more atmospheric screenshots from you too. I like the ivy, , Whiterun plains and the one with your character in the river in the rain.
Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it sayingEnd Of The World Switch PLEASE DO NOT TOUCHthe paint wouldn't even have time to dry. Terry Pratchett