But i am curious...why did you not choose to also use the MADD Health plugin as well, it is useful for every character in my opinion?
I read it as being a "sample" esp for checking in the CS how to make it so I left it out.

It says the same for the MADD Caps.esp so I thought they weren't actually meant to be used. I suppose I can add it in now without a problem but I'll check the readme first. I just reached level 3.
I just had the strangest error and crash. The game was trying to load a mesh from a mod that I'd removed before starting this character and it's definitely not in the meshes folder so has never been used with this character. The error text gave the correct path as if the mod and files were still there but they are not. How it can try to load something that doesn't exist anymore and has no reference....
These games are weird. 
I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet and remove the mod that adds a lot of generic NPC's to towns, or lower the overhaul settings, or both...

. My fps particularly in towns has dropped to the teens, which isn't ideal. I think the NPC's will go first as there are too many really and they don't actually do anything besides walk around the place and in some cases get in the way. They don't have extra dialogue or anything.
Balmora is the worst though and many people had issues with it even in vanilla. I did see a mod that removes a lot of hidden, unused meshes and extra rocks and things that were just left underground around Balmora and which is supposed to help. I might give that a try as well. I know there are places in Oblivion, for example the area around Anvil where lots of unused meshes weren't removed and just left underground so it wasn't seen in game. It all adds to the fps.
Some screenshots.
A new look. Almost the same as before but a darker, furrier face.
Guar rescue. His name is Muncher and he ran away from his owner when a Nixhound attacked them. It's from the Traveling Traders mod I think. I remember it from years ago. Guars are so darn cute. I have a pack Guar mod that I used years ago that adds a small, one which could also come in handy to carry stuff.
Outside Ald'Ruhn near the Silt Strider.
Inside Ald'Ruhn, late afternoon
Ghostgate. Not a friendly place at all. I agreed to escort a woman to the shrine inside and the skies turned red and ominous so I got out ASAP.
This is one BIG Khajiit.
Kitty chasing a butterfly. These cats look almost real in game and will chase a butterfly or a ball if you watch them.