I would encourage everyone to create their own personal topic if they would like to post a lot of images and/or including stories for their characters etc. You can decide for yourselves how you want to do it...ie full size or thumbs. Otherwise, if people don't wish to have their own thread a more general all in one topic can be created for smaller numbers of images.
I will be posting full size screen shots in my own topic, or I should say as Photobucket sizes them. My apologies if you prefer thumbnails, but I won't be using them. By creating one's own topic it should keep the loading times down anyway as long as member's don't completely crazy and post 100's of pictures, which they can do if they choose and they are not just trolling.
Complaints or concerns about this will be considered, but it won't necessarily change anything and definitely won't if the complaint is offensive or rude. Most forums, or at least the ones I visit all use full size images, OR have a forum plugin that reduces them, but not to thumbnails. There is a plugin(mod) available for this forum, but I have yet to read up on how to install it so until then it stays as is.
Complaints about image hosts, ie Imageshack, Photobucket etc will also be ignored unless it can be proven there is a genuine and potentially dangerous problem. If Ads or popups are an issue I suggest using a browser like Firefox which has AdBlock and NoScript as plugins, in which case you need never worry about Ads again.
The only other important thing is please DO NOT post images of full frontal nudity, of a sexual nature or extreme violence, including torture or other questionable practices. They will be deleted as soon as I see them or if they are reported.
This has nothing to do with the discussions that always crop up about the perceived rights or wrongs of nudity and comparisons to violence etc, usually on mod sites. This is a family friendly forum and like it or not we are not in the business of offending people with differing values and cultures or who are underage and impressionable. There is also the matter of complaints from other parties whether justified or not, and we don't want that happening.

P.S. If anyone needs help with creating screens shots, for example which file formats to post, console commands to remove the hud and activate free camera in game and other hints and tips just ask otherwise I'll assume everyone already knows. Most, but not all common console commands used in Oblivion work for Skyrim.