Fessels wrote:I do not know if any one has been following the posts for AOS ( Audio Overhaul for Skyrim. ) but i was having trouble with it and despite what i have been told in those threads, i am as of now going to stop using AOS. I tried what LoRd KoRn suggested but that still did not solve my problem between AOS and CoT Winter Edition. No matter how AOS is set up, i stick with the reason that a sound mod should not be influencing weather mods and several others.
I see that COT Winter has been patched and released today if you wanted to try it. That is if it doesn't interfere with something else.
I have been reading about the patching issues and came across your posts about COT. I agree with you. A sound mod should not influence so many other things in the game, however as someone else said a lot of it is how Skyrim is setup. Bethesda themselves can't get it right and have tagged things incorrectly so kudos to a mod author who can sort it out.
However, despite that the author of AOS is supposed to be part of a AAA developer team as he often mentions and what he says about how sound works is likely correct, whatever he's working on is obviously not using Skyim's dodgy engine.
I tried the current version of AOS last week and didn't like it even though it's been updated and before patches started arriving. A lot of the sounds just don't sit right with me. I don't like the magic sounds - the fireball sounds like a ballistic missile and FUS RO DAH sounds ridiculous. The archery sounds are odd, yet some have said realistic, but not for me, and there's still too much reverb or echo in dialogue. That's only a few.
I've been using, and will continue to use Immersive Magic and now the new Immersive Weapon sounds as well as the Footsteps mod and none of these require patches of any kind. LazySkeever, the author of the first two is also going to do other sounds and I'll use those without conflicts.
I also do not blindly believe that removing a mod that does not use scripts is save, over the years i have gained to much experience with using mods to believe that. So i am going to restart...AGAIN for the fourth time in 2 to 3 days.
I agree here too and I'm also no novice. On the whole I only remove simple things like a single armour or a weapon, but anything that makes other changes, scripted or not has to stay. I have in the past swapped around lighting mods without disaster, but that's just luck I think.
Like you, I've had to restart too many times because something has caused corruption, and what that something is is not always due to a removed mod but a combination of events and almost impossible to pin down, IMHO. It was much easier trouble shooting Oblivion and I spent a lot of time doing that as well, but at least I never had a corrupt game, could add and remove mods etc, etc and it still worked.
I remember my first ever character on a vanilla Skyrim game after 40 or 50 plus hours of mostly problem free play. Suddenly, for no reason I could determine all my saves wouldn't load and were corrupt. I hadn't even gotten half way through the main quest or the guilds and I was extremely annoyed. People who say the vanilla game is perfect are also looking through rose coloured glasses. It may be better now after a number of patches, some of which screwed things up even more, but it's not perfect.