okFessels wrote:Okay i will make the thread and wait to see what happens,Waalx wrote:Fessels, yeah you can do that if you want. It's probably going to start some kind of bickering about what I did, why WAC was only released on here and so forth, but honestly I couldn't care less now what's being said there, as I wouldn't care back then for the same reasons...
EDIT: Here is the link to the thread on the Oblivion mods forum.
http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/140518 ... e-mod-wac/
EDIT 2: I just saw this post from DarkRider, who is a member of the TESA Team.
TES AllianceTES Alliance would happily host Waalx Animals & Creatures with his permission of course. We offer an array of free services to all modders from forums, to blogs, to file hosting and our unlimited bandwidth and storage making us a good alternative for hosting large files in particular.
If you choose to place it on TESA Waalx, then i have at the moment no idea how to continue though. ( Beside contacting DarkRider of course. )

The fact is that I have the latest files (until I stopped working on them) with me here on my netbook. The problem is that I have no way to repackage it as a proper release on this rig. I can't even run Oblivion on this machine, and I'm not able to use the Construction Set either since the graphic card is too weak. And as I can't even test the stuff myself before giving away the "latest" files, I'm really not inclined to do any of it. Hey if I package something that doesn't work what's the point?
If memory serve though I had made some advancement and cleaned things up a bit, as well as adding a few new things. Many of the patches that were made wouldn't be needed anymore as I fixed that stuff locally. So I guess it's worth a shot if somebody want to rebuild a BSA archive and release what I have. For the moment however I have no way to upload it at all. Internet in Fiji mainland is usually "not that fast", but on the small Mana Island where I live now it's excruciatingly slow - Downloading a 10 mb files take about 4 hours, and that's if I can do it at all. So uploading all the WAC files that are close to 2gb now is in the realm of NO WAY. hehe
Another problem is that I don't know at all when I'm going to be move out of Fiji. I like it here, I made some great friends, the diving is great, I have made deals around and now I don't even pay for my accommodations/food anymore. So I have a couple of other problems other than the fact I cant upload the files themselves.
I guess the solution could be for the people that want to host a release to do it on a temp basis with what was already released until I can get the things out of my netbook to them. For that they can do it on their own. Consider my permission is already given to anyone that want to do it, as long as they don't try and say they did the mod themselves...hehe
About the permission to use WAC material as resources, that still bug me even now. WAC is it's own resource and product. As soon as it start to be taken apart it will cease to be what it was made to be, that is, something that can stand on it's own. It was meant to be an alternative to the other overhauls out there, not to be taken apart and used in other projects. Oblivion is over 6 years old game now. The craze is gone. The remaining mod authors shouldn't try to leach older project if they want to do something, but make their own NEW stuff. I guess most hardcore Oblivion player now may have seen what I did. Re-using my stuff isn't going to make it as if you're making new things; WAC have been out there for years already.
I always said that if you want to use WAC stuff you can as long as the new mod is based on WAC as a platform. That still stand. It's still the best options as then it allow people to use EVERYTHING that is in WAC, and that's a lot of stuff and a lot of things to choose from. And now that WAC will probably be released elsewhere it's still a very good option I think. Anyway, that's my point of view on the matter. What happen next is a matter of the other people integrity on this. I've worked over 2 years on that thing, it still trouble me to think that it would be ripped apart and become something that was in opposition to my initial intention.
Otherwise the version of WAC that is out now can be released, as I explained I cannot do anything else to provide the "latest" at the moment.