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Realswords + Compatability + Lore Idea!

Posted: December 1st, 2007
by bboyforever
I know that its still in beta, but I just had an idea that I think will really increase the mergability of this mod with stuff like fcom/ooo/etc, while keeping the lore intact strongly. I said it before to create various factions for each of the users of each Racial weapon, ie: Bandit Redguard with the special Realswords redguard equips will be in his own special faction along with other redguards who use those equips. But I just thought recently that you could create a whole new "sect" of Redguards that ONLY use those equipments as a faction. Something like...Tribal Redguards, Forester Bosmers, Mountain Nords, Prowler Khajiits, etc. These specific factions could have only the real sword equipments and be highly distinguishable from Redguards who have left their tribes, or Elves who no longer live in the forest. Ideally these will be the "true" masters of that race's equipments. They could have weapons and armors that reflect their respective ranks within the faction, ie: lower level hunters who hunt with the weaker bows, knives, and armor. Guards who protect their tribes' respective territory with the stronger armors and such. And tribe chiefs who lead their tribe with the strongest of the weapons and armors. In this manner, I think it could be included into leveled lists without having to "mish and mash" them. But rather they'd be very distinct characters, who would be much stronger than their other racial counterparts(due to the boost from wearing their tribes armor/weapons). It also strengthens the lore aspect by illustrating a sort of separation and integration of various races with common society. In a way, it'd be showing the difference between the races who stick to their tribal roots as stronger, but alienated from the other individuals who left the tribes.

I know my idea may be a bit confusing/abstract. But I feel its a good way to mix the racial aspect with the lore and stories behind each of the realswords equipments and furthermore allowing it to be integrated with other mods, etc etc.

Post feedback on this idea please :D

Posted: December 1st, 2007
by Mormacil
Well I think that in the end RealSwords won't be compatable with FCOM/OOO/FFF etc. at all. Your idea is a lot of work and I think got his own plans but only he can truly tell that.

Posted: December 2nd, 2007
by mitkoa
Make the stuff first, worry about in-game lore factions and s**t later, says I!

(not sure if the post is grammatically correct, just watched Pirates of the Caribbean :D )
Yamaha cs30/cs30l synthesizer history

Posted: December 2nd, 2007
by bboyforever
I'm just putting it out there as an idea to work towards in the future. So whenever this mod is finished and everyone goes..."Hey how could we implement this?", the idea is already out there. Sadly, though it seems like no one really likes the idea so I'll just drop it for now.

Posted: December 2nd, 2007
by Mormacil
All I can say Waalx has already has plans for implentation.

Posted: December 2nd, 2007
by bboyforever
Yeah my mistake, I looked over at the full gallery thread and realized my idea really wouldn't have much place in how he wants it to be made. Its in a its own expansion for oblivion. So you might be right about it being uncompatible in this form. But I'll still try to figure out a way to incorporate these mods together!

Posted: December 2nd, 2007
by Mormacil
Well good luck :)