Maigrets Twin Pixies
Zee (Female) and Dee (Male) are blue Pixie twins and can be found at the Arcane University. They were previously owned by an apprentice mage who found them in a cave being bullied by their greater cousins, the common Imp. She took pity on them after dispatching the offenders and returned to the Arcane University with them thinking to keep them as pets.
However, she lost control of them as they were very naughty Pixies and would zap other mages with shock spells for fun causing a riot within the ranks of the other mages. The apprentice was punished and forbidden to leave the Inner University until she learned to be more careful.
But, the pixies remained on the loose and despite their best efforts the Senior Mages were unable to capture them for study without killing them. Since the Pixies became bored with their games and appeared to behave themselves they were allowed to remain until someone of sufficient skill came along to take them away.
NOTE: These are obviously male and female so if that bothers you don't download or complain. However, it's not that evident unless you look very closely.
Activate to Follow or Wait. Each Pixie has it's own AI so you can have one or both follow or wait wherever you tell them. They will do what's necessary without further intervention. On first activation a Summon Spell will be added to your spells list for each Pixie. Besides making it easier to call them if you've left them somewhere, it also helps with stairs and higher ledges where they may get stuck because of their size.
Unlike some of my other small companions which are pets only, these are fighting Pixies. They have the leveled spells of the normal Imps and these spells will level with the player. They are Essential so they cannot die, but they have a Healing Ability so they don't drop unconscious at the least opportune times.
However, if they are constantly hit they may not have time to recover health but will do so when the fighting stops or they have time to regenerate their health. This may need adjustment later if it's too strong.
They also have Resist Poison and Resist Magic like my other companions as I've found some enchantments and spells can permanently damage Essential companions and require a reboot of the mod which is a pain.
Even though they are small they will keep up with you, but if they do get behind they will find you. They also have all the animations and water walking abilities of the normal Imps.
They will sneak when you do, BUT this relies entirely on your own Sneak skill, so if you are detected or come out of sneak mode they will also be detected and go into Combat mode. Assuming there are enemies around and alive of course.
They are Player Owned so they will not attack you or friends unless you start a fight with neutral or friendly NPC's or creatures. They also have an Intelligence of 30 so they can follow through load doors and because of this they will also open normal doors and gates on their own. There are some Load doors they will not follow through. These are usually related to the Main or other quests, but can be summoned if needed.
I don't do the Main Quest any more and haven't tested Oblivion Gates, so if you're going into a Gate, make them wait before going in and then call them. Do the same upon exiting just to be sure. There shouldn't be a problem as it usually (or used to) affects companions with inventories and they don't have one. However, I don't use NPC companions, so I don't know if this is still true.
New world spaces are fine as I use my other companions successfully by using the same method which also means shivering Isles so it also applies to the Pixies.
You can change their names if you want in the CS or open the console in game, click on a Pixie and type -
setactorfullname "New Name" - The name must be in quotes if more than one word. Close the console and save. However, their names will remain the same in on screen messages and the Summon Spells. That can only be changed in their scripts.
I have Shivering Isles installed but no assets from SI were used.
Oblivion must be patched to 1.2 however as I used this version of the CS to create my mod.
Extract the 7Zip file to a temporary directory for best results. Move the meshes and texture folders plus the esp to your data folder. Check the esp in your data files menu or use your desired method, eg OBMM and start your game.
Remove the esp, meshes and textures from your Data folder. Your saves won't be affected. Just answer yes to the message regarding missing content next time you start your game.
There should be no incompatibility with any other mods as far as I am aware unless another mod alters the Arcane University to a great degree. They fly, so even small changes, depending on what they are should be fine.
Waalx for permission to use his Pixie files.
Bethesda for creating Oblivion and the CS in the first place for us to use.
The CS Wiki and Bethsoft CS forum for various useful bits of information.
My Simple Creature Companion Tutorial can be found here, and at this forum.

http://savageartistry.darkbb.com/t129-m ... n-tutorial
SavageArtistry's Forum:
Waalx RealSwords Forum:
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This mod must not be uploaded anywhere else for any reason whatsoever. No alterations except for personal use are permitted.
Translations are fine as long as I'm contacted first. Most of my companions have already been translated to other languages. I'd just like to know about it beforehand.
The resource files in this mod are not to be used without permission from Waalx.
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