This is the fix for the Gnolls crash where the wrong skeleton was assigned to one of the creatures. It was originally posted by another user but that link has been unavailable for awhile now. I re-uploaded it to my own Mediafire account and at the time of typing has been downloaded 277 times as at August 31st.

Simply replace the esm and any other plugins you're using. Make sure your load order is correct afterwards. ... Gnolls.rar
This is the fix for the vampire eye issue with the Arena Grand Champion where Wrye Bash chokes when making a Bashed Patch. You will need TES4Edit, but it's easy to do.
Download TES4Edit here:
Code: Select all
1) Download and open TES4Edit.exe
2) In the menu that has popped up, titled Master/Plugin Selection, right click on any esp/esm and select "Select None"
3) Select all of the WAC esps and the esm, including the ones you dont need, click ok, and let the processing finish.
4) click the little + to the left of the Waalx Animals and Creatures.esm, then click the + next to the "eyes" subfolder
5) find the editorID for the value "eyeVampireYellowWAC" and right click it, then click change "FormID"
6) change the ID in this little pop-up to "0003B379" minus the quotes, click OK.
7) Select all the records that pop up in the next menu (I had 3), click OK.
8) Click ok again, this is just telling you the updating was successful.
9) Close TES4Edit with the X in the corner, click ok the save the changes.
10) Have fun running your patch.

Anyone else who has other fixes or edits they would like to add please do it in this topic so people can find them easily.